About me

Gładkowski Krzysztof, Associate Professor – Acting head of the Social, National and Religion Policy Department, of the Institute of Political Sciences at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. A graduate of the Catholic University of Lublin, since 1998 he has been working at the University of Warmia and Mazury; main directions of research: history of social sciences and humanities, political anthropology, Polish-German relations, national and ethnic minorities, historical anthropology, history of Protestantism in Upper Silesia, cultural security, contemporary social movements, cultural heritage. Scientific internships at: Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie Freie Universität Berlin (2015), Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Pietismusforschung der Martin-Luther-Universität Universität Halle-Wittenberg in Verbindung mit den Franckeschen Stiftungen zu Halle-fürle (2019), Institut für Sozialanthropologie und Empirische Kulturwissenschaft Universität Zürich (2021). promoter of Professor  Oskar Gottlieb Blarr doctorate honoris causa of the University of Warmia and Mazury (2016), initiator of the Feliks Nowowiejski Year (2016). Lectures at several universities in Poland. He managed research projects (2002-2004 and 2005) and co-implemented an international research project (2014).

The most important publications are: Etnologia. Koncepcja teoretyczno-metodologiczna Stanisława Poniatowskiego 1884-1945 (Ethnology. The theoretical and methodological concept of Stanisław Poniatowski 1884-1945), Olsztyn 2001; Kanzel/ambona. Protestancka wspólnota lokalna na Górnym Śląsku (Kanzel / pulpit. Protestant local community in Upper Silesia), Olsztyn 2009; Le tourisme des protestants allemands retournant en Haute-Silésie (The tourism of German Protestants returning to Upper Silesia), w: Le tourisme mémoriel en Europe centrale et orientale (Memorial tourism in Central and Eastern Europe) by Delphine Bechtel, Luba Jurgenson (dir.), Éditions PÉTRA, Paris 2013; „Suspended identity” as a necessary analytical category in research on the identity of communities of Western and Northern Lands after 1945, w: Between Oblivion and the New Order. From research on relationship among memory cultures in former East Prussia after World War II. Studies and sketches, by Krzysztof Narojczyk (ed.), Olsztyn 2014; Problem stosunków polsko-niemieckich po traktacie z 1991 roku z perspektywy regionalnej (The problem of Polish-German relations after the 1991 treaty from a regional perspective), K. Gładkowski (ed.), Olsztyn 2014; Deutsche Erinnerungsorte – erwünscht und unerwünscht in Polen (German memorial place – wanted and unwanted in Poland), in:, Vergangenheit in Gegenwart und Zukunft. Modelle zur Geschichtsbewältigung in Mittel- und Osteuropa seit 1989 (past in the present and future. Models for coming to terms with history in Central and Eastern Europe since 1989) by G. Schiller (Hg.) Gliwice-Opole 2016; Dziedzictwo Reformacji na pograniczu polsko-czeskim. Perspektywa antropologiczna (Heritage of the Reformation on the Polish-Czech border. Anthropological perspective), w: Dziedzictwo kulturowe – aksjologia i transgraniczność by Samanta Kowalska (ed.), Poznań-Kalisz 2018; Niewidoczne symbole polsko-niemieckiego pojednania – Jan Paweł II – Benedykt XVI (Invisible symbols of Polish-German reconciliation – John Paul II – Benedict XVI) w:  Stosunki polsko-niemieckie w ćwierćwiecze od podpisania Traktatu o dobrym sąsiedztwie. Polityka – historia – nauka (Polish-German relations in a quarter of a century after the signing of the Treaty on Good Neighborhood. Politics – History – Science) by Krzysztof Gładkowski, Ewa Gładkowska, Tomasz Gajowniczek (eds.), Olsztyn 2018; Stosunki polsko-niemieckie w wybranych kwestiach z obszarów kultury, oświaty i gospodarki. Wprowadzenie (Polish-German relations in selected issues in the areas of culture, education and economy. Introduction), w: Stosunki polsko-niemieckie w ćwierćwiecze od podpisania Traktatu o dobrym sąsiedztwie. Kultura – oświata – gospodarka (Polish-German relations in a quarter of a century after the signing of the Treaty on Good Neighborhood. Culture – education – economy), by Krzysztof Gładkowski, Ewa Gładkowska, Tomasz Gajowniczek (eds.), Olsztyn 2018; Can interdisciplinarity be overcome in the political science of religion? „Chrześcijaństwo, Świat, Polityka” 2019, nr 23; Obcy u siebie. Niemcy na Śląsku, Pomorzu, Warmii i Mazurach (Strangers at home. German in Silesia, Pomerania, Warmia and Mazury) w: „Tutejsi” czy obcy? Niemcy w Polsce po 1945 roku („Locals” or strangers? Germany in Poland after 1945) by Krzysztof Gładkowski, Irena Kurasz (eds) Olsztyn 2019; Antropologia polityczna (Political anthropology), w: Podstawowe kategorie nauk o polityce i administracji (Basic categories of political science and administration), Arkadiusz Żukowski, Wojciech T. Modzelewski, Maciej Hartliński (eds), Olsztyn 2021; East Prussia – Politics and Memory in: The Kaliningrad Region. A Specific Enclave in Contemporary Europe by Wojciech T. Modzelewski, and Arkadiusz Żukowski (eds), Brill, Paderborn 2021.